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The BG/BRG Judenburg is a lower and upper grammar school  with approx. 850 students and 75 teachers in different fields. The students start at the BG/BRG Judenburg at the age of 10 and finish school with the leaving certificate at the age of 18.  The school offers a wide range of subjects in different fields: science, sports, arts, languages, humanities. Furthermore the school offers boarding facilities in the afternoon and has participated in different national and international projects. The school is also equipped with a modern IT-infrasturcture: computers and projectors in all classes, high-tech film cameras, film laboratory, whiteboards, iPads and it is a national certified eLearning-school.
Students from the BG/BRG Judenburg come from all social classes and also from minorities. The school has also installed a special team that is responsible for social crisis handling at school.


The BG/BRG Judenburg is well experienced in project work as it has carried out several local arts projects as well as international projects e.g. two Comenius projects and participated in several science conferences "Caretakers of the Environment International" all over the world. The BG/BRG Judenburg is als a UNESCO school and has experience in working on an international floor. At BG/BRG Judenburg students can opt in higher grades to focus their studies on "music and arts". Therefore Austria has expert teachers in the field of creative subjects which can be easily applied to the project. Drama performances and film productions are regularly organised at school. Some of the Austrian teachers, who will be integrated in the project,  also have special expertise in the field of film.














 AUSTRIA - BG/BRG Judenburg (Coordinator)

POLAND - Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Polskich Alpinistow w Koninie

Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Polskich Alpinistow in Konin is going to join  Primary School nr 15 im. Polskich Olimpijczyków in Konin in September 2017. The next school year there will be seven grades with children from 7-13 years old ( approx. 500 students) and 2 grades of lower secondary school with children from 14-16 years old ( approx. 150 students). Greater number of students ( approx. 650 students) will benefit from the project. The school has got also classes with students with different disabilities. It's the main profile of the school so it is equiped with lifts and what is more important there are some of the teachers who are specialists in educating these students.
Students are willing to act . They organize certain school ceremonies and events and come up with different ideas. e.g. LipDub, school TV. In the school there is a drama club where students work on their actor skills and learn how to create a good scenery. They stage many comedies, performances, pantomimes and many others. Students learn how to express themselves. They often use different devices as digital cameras and use special movie software to work on their short films.
There is also an outside playground with football pitch, basketball court and tennis court.

The school has been taking part in many projects such as:

  • 'Make a step' project conducted by AISEC organization, the project assumes cooperation with students from different countries that come to our school to conduct cultural classes in the English language

  • ' A young citizen' project, it is a Polish project that promotes the knowledge of local community and shows what actions students can take in their local environment

  • PO WER project which is an additional source of funding for Erasmus+ KA1 action ( EU funds), we were accepted to the programme in December 2014. Our teachers are going to take part in the English language and methodology courses in the UK and job shadowing in Germany

  • school TV, lip-dup which was appreciated by The Ministry of Education of Poland, we conducted numerous event such as happenings, flash mobs, taking part in The International Young Audience Film Festival “ Ale Kino” in Poznan, we cooperate with people from radio, TV, theatre

  • artistic classes ( music, art)

  • cooperation with local Drama-Vocal School "Fama" which employs Polish famous actors.

DENMARK - Sofiendalskolen

Sofiendalskolen is a primary and a secondary school. The participants of this project will be secondary students, 12 - 14 years old. At the secondary department we have a focus on each profile and talent of their students. The school is placed in the southern part of Aalborg and students mainly come from the neighbouring places. Students of Sofiendalskolen represent all social classes.

Using drama is a traditional working tool at Sofiendalskolen - in the 4th grade at whole week is used to set up a play involving  60 students. Every year at our annual school party every grade performs a little act in front of parents and guests.

​Tine Pejstrup  is a teacher at Sofiendalkolen in Aalborg. She is an expert on drama & performance workshops and she has a PD in drama from VIA, Aarhus 2010. She has a lot of experience in teaching drama, setting up shows, performances and theater. She has years of experience in working with young people due to use different expressions, to use body language and to make the students be more confident in using their body to express them selves.


Abad Sola School is a concerted school that has students from 2-16 years at the following levels: Nursery, Primary and Compulsory Secondary. We have approx. 420 students and 28 teachers with different subjects. The students start at the age of 2 or 3 years, and the leave or school at the end of the compulsory Secondary (16). The school offers a wide range of subjects in different fields: science, sports, arts, languages, humanities. We have participated in several european projects, and also in several national programs related to evironmental education, introduction to reasearch, etc. We try to educate with the Information and Communications Technologies: we have two computers rooms, one mobile computer classroom, and every classroom has one computer and a projector.  
Students form Abad Sola school come from all social classes, but most of them come form middle or lower middle classes.

They have quite a long experience with projects in general, and also in EU projects. Their school has participated in environmental projects, and also in one kind of projects that they had in Spain some years ago in which the students took part in a program aimed to recover abandoned towns and rural areas, and also wanted students better acquainted with the way of life in the countryside. These projects have been organized and supported by our National Government, and also by our Regional Government.
In their city they have also participated in environmental projects for example related to reforestation, equality between men and women, and solidarity with the needs. Abada Sola school is sponsoring a group of needy children in Colombia, in order that they can get an education and a future, and the entire educational community participates in this charity project.
For years their students have participated in small projects introduction to research those which have allowed them to participate in contests national, in which attaining some honorable mention.

Abad Sola School is a concerted school that has students from 2-16 years at the following levels: Nursery, Primary and Compulsory Secondary. We have approx. 420 students and 28 teachers with different subjects. The students start at the age of 2 or 3 years, and the leave or school at the end of the compulsory Secondary (16). The school offers a wide range of subjects in different fields: science, sports, arts, languages, humanities. We have participated in several european projects, and also in several national programs related to evironmental education, introduction to reasearch, etc. We try to educate with the Information and Communications Technologies: we have two computers rooms, one mobile computer classroom, and every classroom has one computer and a projector.  
Students form Abad Sola school come from all social classes, but most of them come form middle or lower middle classes.

They have quite a long experience with projects in general, and also in EU projects. Their school has participated in environmental projects, and also in one kind of projects that they had in Spain some years ago in which the students took part in a program aimed to recover abandoned towns and rural areas, and also wanted students better acquainted with the way of life in the countryside. These projects have been organized and supported by our National Government, and also by our Regional Government.
In their city they have also participated in environmental projects for example related to reforestation, equality between men and women, and solidarity with the needs. Abada Sola school is sponsoring a group of needy children in Colombia, in order that they can get an education and a future, and the entire educational community participates in this charity project.
For years their students have participated in small projects introduction to research those which have allowed them to participate in contests national, in which attaining some honorable mention.




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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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